Dairy Myths

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Myths about dairy

Milk helps you lose weight

Have you ever heard "milk helps you lose weight"? Well, it does the exact opposite. Dairy products are meant to fatten up a baby cow so it can be ready for growth. How can that make a human lose weight? Well, the American Dairy Council, creators of the famous Got Milk? slogan, pay companies to advertise that their products are healthy. Well, the truth is, it isn't. Milk contains cholesterol, fat, and calories. It also contains hormones that were meant to grow the cow's udders to an unnatural weight so they can produce more profit. When you drink milk, you drink hormones. Healthy? I think not. Also, if you research who sponsors these advertisments for milk, it is all dairy farmers or producers. So what about the doctors and government? Well, doctors don't get much nutritional training at all. The government is messed up also. The USDA openly said it was commited to helping farmers and ranchers. So there you have it. Milk makes you fat. Don't listen to advertisments.

Milk Prevents Osteoporosis

You hear about it all the time. Osteoporosis can be prevented my drinking milk. Well, that is not true. Milk has been proven to be the exact CAUSE of osteoporosis. The animal protein in milk somehow causes osteoporosis. If milk prevents osteoporosis, then why does America and Sweden, the countries with the highest dairy intake, have the most osteoporosis? Countries in Asia, such as China, doesn't consume much milk, yet has a very low rate of osteoporosis. To prevent osteoporosis, eat A LOT less protein. On average, most people consume nearly twice the amount of protein than allowed. That is why milk and meat, which contains very high amounts of protein, cause osteoporosis. Protein is in nearly everything, but animal protein isn't healthy. Soy protein is the healthiest protein you can get, and a great source that has protein (but not to much) is peanut butter. So, another thing you thought was true about milk isn't. Starting to see a connection with advertising and health?

Cows don't suffer on dairy farms

 Dairy cows have terrible lives. They live on "factory farms", terrible places where they are tortured, elcectrocuted, artificially inseminated, and unnaturally milked. According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, cows produce 100 pounds of milk a day!!! That is due to hormones. Their udders also drag on the ground because they are so heavy, causing infections, also due to hormones. But what about free-range farms? There is no legal definition to "free-range". So, you are paying extra for nothing. Plus, animals are still shipped off to slaughter, "free-range" or not "free-range". Cows have extremely miserable lives. Don't let anyone tell you they don't. To see a video about the dairy industry in depth, click here, and watch the "dairy" segment. Watch the rest of the video, also.  It is very informational.